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2 Translation results for bunch in Spanish

noun | verb

bunch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
grupo, montón, ramo (de flores)

Example sentences of
bunch noun

  • He always had a bunch of keys on his belt.
  • Dried herbs hung in bunches from the kitchen rafters.

bunch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bunched, has bunched, is bunching, bunches
agrupar, amontonar

Example sentences of
bunch verb

  • The child's tights bunched at the ankles.
  • the dress bunches a bit at the waist

Synonyms of
bunch verb

Detailed synonyms for bunch verb

See: Group

Phrasal verbs for bunch

  • bunch up - amontonarse, agruparse, fruncirse (dícese de una tela)

Reverse translation for bunch

grupo  - group 
montón  - heap, pile, ton, load 
ramo  (de flores) - branch, bouquet, division (of science or industry) 
agrupar  - to group together 
amontonar  - to pile up, to heap up, to collect, to gather, to hoard 
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