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3 Translation results for clamor in Spanish

noun | verb | sustantivo

clamor noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
clamor noun

  • A clamor outside woke them in the night.
  • city streets filled with clamor
  • a public clamor for an arrest in the case
  • There is growing clamor for reform.

Detailed synonyms for clamor noun

See: Din

clamor verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
clamored, has clamored, is clamoring, clamors
gritar, clamar

clamor sustantivo

clamor, outcry

Reverse translation for clamor

clamor  - clamor, outcry 
gritar  - to shout, to scream, to snap out, to cry 
clamar  - to clamor, to raise a protest, to cry out for