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2 Translation results for elaborate in Spanish

adjective | verb

elaborate adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
detallado, minucioso, elaborado; complicado, intrincado

Example sentences of
elaborate adjective

  • They made elaborate preparations for his visit.
  • I see now that her behavior was all part of an elaborate plan.
  • The dancers were wearing elaborate costumes.
  • He told the story in elaborate detail.

Synonyms of
elaborate adjective

Detailed synonyms for elaborate adjective

See: Complex

elaborate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
elaborated, has elaborated, is elaborating, elaborates
elaborar, idear, desarrollar

Example sentences of
elaborate verb

  • I'll be glad to elaborate if you want to hear more.
  • She was asked to say more about her earlier statements, but she declined to elaborate.
¿Cuál preposición sigue al verbo elaborate?
  • El verbo elaborate es seguido por la preposición on. Por ejemplo: In her speech, the prime minister will elaborate on some points she has made in an interview yesterday. Would you care to elaborate on that?
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Reverse translation for elaborate

minucioso  - minute, detailed, thorough, meticulous 
elaborado  - elaborate, ornate 
complicado  - complicated 
intrincado  - intricate, involved 
elaborar  - to make, to produce, to devise, to draw up 
idear  - to devise, to think up 
desarrollar  - to develop