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2 Translation results for grasping in Spanish

adjective | verb

grasping adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
avaro, avaricioso

Example sentences of
grasping adjective

  • Her grasping children fought over her property when she died.
  • a grasping person who would rather buy a car he didn't need than give a dime to charity

Synonyms of
grasping adjective

Detailed synonyms for grasping adjective

See: Covetous

grasp verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
grasped, has grasped, is grasping, grasps
agarrar, asir; entender, comprender

Example sentences of
grasp verb

  • I grasped the end of the rope and pulled as hard as I could.
  • I grasped the rope by its end.
  • His arthritis is so bad he can barely grasp a pencil.

Detailed synonyms for grasp verb

Reverse translation for grasping

avaro  - miserly, greedy 
avaricioso  - avaricious, greedy 
agarrar  - to grab, to grasp, to catch, to take, to grapple 
asir  - to seize, to grasp 
entender  - to figure out, to understand, to think, to believe, to mean, to intend, to infer, to deduce 
comprender  - to catch on, to comprehend, to understand, to cover, to include