Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for arrebatado in English

adjetivo | verbo

arrebatado adjetivo

impetuous, hotheaded, rash; flushed, blushing

arrebatar verbo

to snatch, to seize; to captivate

Reverse translation for arrebatado

impetuous  - impetuoso, impulsivo 
hotheaded  - exaltado 
rash  - imprudente, precipitado 
flushed  - colorado, rojo, encendido (dícese de la cara) 
blushing  - sonrojado, ruborizado 
to snatch  - arrebatar 
to seize  - capturar, tomar, apoderarse de, detener, agarrar, coger, aprovechar (una oportunidad) 
to captivate  - cautivar, hechizar, encantar 
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