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2 Translation results for derelict in Spanish

adjective | noun

derelict adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
abandonado, en ruinas; negligente, remiso

Example sentences of
derelict adjective

  • The officer was charged with being derelict in his duty.
  • the guards were judged derelict in their duty

Synonyms of
derelict adjective

derelict noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
propiedad abandonada; vagabundo, -da

Example sentences of
derelict noun

  • It was a run-down neighborhood filled with drugs addicts and derelicts.
  • a section of the city that seemed to be frequented mostly by derelicts

Synonyms of
derelict noun

Reverse translation for derelict

abandonado  - abandoned, deserted, neglected, forlorn, slovenly, unkempt 
negligente  - neglectful, negligent 
remiso  - lax, remiss, reluctant 
vagabundo  - vagrant, bum, vagabond 
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