Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for hops in Spanish

noun | verb

hop noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
salto, brinco; vuelo corto; lupulo (planta)

Synonyms of
hop noun

hop verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hopped, has hopped, is hopping, hops
brincar, saltar

Reverse translation for hops

salto  - jump, leap, skip, jump, dive (in sports), gap, omission 
brinco  - jump, leap, skip 
lupulo  (planta) - hops (plant) 
brincar  - to jump around, to leap about, to frolic, to gambol 
saltar  - to jump, to jump over, to jump, to leap, to bounce, to skip, to miss, to come off, to pop out, to shatter, to break, to explode, to blow up 
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