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1 Translation result for straightforward in Spanish


straightforward adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
franco, sincero; puro, simple, claro

Example sentences of
straightforward adjective

  • Using the computer program is fairly straightforward.
  • He was very straightforward with us.
  • She gave a straightforward account of what happened.

Synonyms of
straightforward adjective

Detailed synonyms for straightforward adjective

Straightforward, forthright, aboveboard significan libre de todo lo que pueda ser deshonesto o secreto.
  • Straightforward se aplica a todo lo que es consistentemente directo y libre de desviaciones o evasiones <a straightforward answer>.
    antonyms: roundabout
  • Forthright se aplica a algo que va directamente al grano, sin rodeos o titubeos <a forthright approach to the problem>.
    antonyms: subtle
  • Aboveboard describe una acción o un método que es libre de todo indicio de engaño o de duplicidad <honest and aboveboard in all her business dealings>.
    antonyms: underhand, underhanded

Reverse translation for straightforward

franco  - frank, candid, outspoken, clear, obvious, free 
sincero  - sincere, honest, true, unfeigned 
puro  - pure, plain, simple, sheer, only, just 
simple  - plain, simple, easy, pure, mere, simpleminded, foolish 
claro  - bright, clear, pale, fair, light, clear, evident 
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