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1 Translation result for watchful in Spanish


watchful adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
alerta, vigilante, atento

Example sentences of
watchful adjective

  • We need to be more watchful of our children.
  • The hotel is being built under the watchful eye of its architect.

Synonyms of
watchful adjective

Detailed synonyms for watchful adjective

Watchful, vigilant, alert significan estar al acecho de algo, particularmente el peligro o la oportunidad.
  • Watchful es el término menos explícito <watchful mothers on the benches by the playground>.
  • Vigilant connota una cuidadosa atención que es intensa y constante <the press is not always vigilant enough>.
  • Alert recalca el estar listo y dispuesto para enfrentarse a un problema o un peligro, o para aprovechar una oportunidad <an alert neighbor had notified the police>.

Reverse translation for watchful

alerta  - alert, (figurative) on the ball 
vigilante  - vigilant, watchful 
atento  - attentive, mindful, courteous 
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