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1 Translation result for palatable in Spanish


palatable adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
apetitoso, rico, sabroso; (idea) agradable, aceptable

Example sentences of
palatable adjective

  • I had to drink a less than palatable beer.
  • I did not find the idea of moving again very palatable.

Synonyms of
palatable adjective

Detailed synonyms for palatable adjective

Palatable, appetizing, savory, tasty, delicious significan agradable al gusto.
  • Palatable suele aplicarse a algo que, de manera inesperada, resulta ser agradable <surprised at how palatable the food was>.
    antonyms: unpalatable, distasteful
  • Appetizing connota el abrir el apetito, y se aplica al aroma y a la apariencia, así como al gusto <a selection of appetizing desserts>.
    antonyms: disgusting, unappetizing
  • Savory se aplica tanto al gusto como al aroma y connota el estar fuertemente sazonado o condimentado <an omelette with a savory filling>.
    antonyms: bland
  • Tasty indica un gusto fuerte y apetitoso <for her nine-year-old son, even stale doughnuts were tasty>.
    antonyms: bland, unappetizing
  • Delicious connota el suplicar fuertemente a los sentidos del sabor o del olfato <dinner was delicious>.

Reverse translation for palatable

apetitoso  - appetizing 
rico  - rich, wealthy, fertile, luxurious, valuable, delicious, adorable, lovely, great, wonderful 
sabroso  - delicious, tasty, pleasant, nice, lovely, palatable 
agradable  (idea)
aceptable  - acceptable 
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