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4 Translation results for why in Spanish

interjection | conjunction | adverb | noun

why interjection

unfavorite favorite play sound
¡vaya!, ¡mira!

Example sentences of
why interjection

  • why, what a strange thing to say!

why conjunction

unfavorite favorite play sound
por qué

Example sentences of
why conjunction

  • I know why he did it.
  • It's easy to see why she fell in love with him.
  • He's a very good player. That's why he made the team.
  • The reason why they succeeded is obvious. They worked really hard.
  • Give me one good reason why I should stay.

why adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
por qué

Example sentences of
why adverb

  • Why did you quit your job?
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • Why didn't you call me?
  • Why didn't I think of that?
  • “I can't go out tonight.” “Why not?”

why noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
porqué, razón

Example sentences of
why noun

  • asked the whys behind the surprising decision
  • how one decides that a certain he or she is “the one” is one of the great whys of life
  • how one decides that a certain he or she is "the one" is one of the great whys of life

Synonyms of
why noun

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Reverse translation for why

porqué  - reason, cause 
razón  - reason, motive, rightness, justice, reasoning, sense, ratio, proportion