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merriam webster

1 Translation result for heroism in Spanish


heroism noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
heroism noun

  • women who showed heroism by fighting for their right to vote
  • the inspiring heroism of the firefighters who risked their lives to save the people trapped in the burning building

Synonyms of
heroism noun

Detailed synonyms for heroism noun

Heroism, valor, prowess, gallantry significan conducta que es patentemente valerosa.
  • Heroism indica una valentía excepcional, sobre todo en la realización de un elevado propósito cuando las probabilidades no son ventajosas <the boy's outstanding act of heroism during the fire>.
    antonyms: cowardice
  • Valor indica un ilustre coraje y una vigorosa temeridad en la lucha o el combate <awarded the army's highest honor for valor>.
  • Prowess recalca tanto habilidad como valentía en las armas como en otras labores <demonstrated her prowess with a bow and arrow>.
  • Gallantry indica temple y brío así como valentía y una indiferencia hacia el peligro o la dificultad <believed that gallantry in war was no longer possible>.

Reverse translation for heroism

heroísmo  - heroism