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2 Translation results for quarrel in Spanish

noun | verb

quarrel noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pelea, riña, disputa

Synonyms of
quarrel noun

  • Arguement se usa más comunmente; un quarrel es una discusión o desacuerdo prolongado.

Detailed synonyms for quarrel noun

Quarrel, wrangle, altercation, squabble, spat, tiff, fight significan una disputa acalorada.
  • Quarrel indica un acalorado choque verbal seguido de tensiones o una ruptura en las relaciones <a bitter quarrel finally ended their friendship>.
  • Wrangle connota una disputa ruidosa, persistente y a menudo inútil <the finance hearing soon turned into a noisy wrangle>.
  • Altercation connota una disputa verbal que es ruidosa y acalorada, a menudo acompañada de golpes <a violent altercation between two groups of demonstrators>.
  • Squabble indica una riña infantil e inapropiada sobre alguna pequeñez <the children constantly squabble over their toys>.
  • Spat indica una disputa, vivaz pero breve, sobre alguna nimiedad <there was a spat over procedure>.
  • Tiff connota una disputa trivial caracterizada por mal humor o sentimientos heridos pero sin consecuencias significantes <a little tiff between lovers that was soon forgotten>.
  • Fight connota una lucha violenta entre oponentes <a fight broke out in the bar>.

quarrel verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
quarrelled, has quarrelled, is quarrelling, quarrels
pelearse, reñir, discutir

Example sentences of
quarrel verb

  • The children quarrel all the time.
  • She and her husband are always quarreling about money.
  • I don't want to quarrel with you.
¿Cuál es la forma correcta de escribir la palabra: quarreling o quarrelling? ¿Quarreled o quarrelled?
  • En inglés americano, la letra 'l' generalmente no se duplica cuando se agrega -ing o -ed, por lo tanto se escribe quarreling y quarreled. En inglés británico, la letra 'l' se duplica.
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Reverse translation for quarrel

pelea  - fight, quarrel 
riña  - fight, brawl, dispute, quarrel 
disputa  - dispute, argument 
pelearse  - to fight, to argue 
reñir  - to argue, to scold, to reprimand 
discutir  - to discuss, to talk over, to argue, to quarrel, to dispute