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1 Translation result for same in Spanish


same adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
mismo, igual

Example sentences of
same adjective

  • The words “their” and “there” are pronounced in exactly the same way but spelled differently.
  • She gave the same answer as before.
  • He eats the same breakfast every day.
  • The same thing happened to me yesterday.
  • They were wearing the exact same shirt.

Synonyms of
same adjective

Detailed synonyms for same adjective

Same, selfsame, very, identical, equivalent, equal significan no ser diferente, o no diferir uno de otro u otros.
  • Same puede indicar que las cosas bajo consideración son una cosa o que, aunque distintas, no tienen una diferencia apreciable <we took the same route on the same day>.
    antonyms: different
  • Selfsame siempre indica que las cosas bajo consideración son una cosa y no dos o más cosas <the selfsame ring that I had lost years ago>.
    antonyms: diverse
  • Very, como selfsame, indica identidad <you're the very person I've been looking for>.
  • Identical puede indicar lo mismo que selfsame, o puede connotar una correspondencia absoluta en todos los detalles <their test answers were identical>.
    antonyms: nonidentical, diverse
  • Equivalent indica ascender a lo mismo en valor o en significancia <two houses of equivalent value>.
    antonyms: different
  • Equal indica correspondencia en valor, en magnitud o en alguna cualidad especificada, indicando por lo tanto equivalencia <divided it into equal shares>.
    antonyms: unequal
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Related phrases for same

Reverse translation for same

mismo  - same, very, oneself 
igual  - equal, the same, alike, even, smooth, similar, constant