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1 Translation result for fulsome in Spanish


fulsome adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
excesivo, exagerado, efusivo

Example sentences of
fulsome adjective

  • the player's fulsome praise for the coach showed just how hard he was trying to be named captain of the team
  • grateful survivors who were fulsome in their praise of the rescue team

Synonyms of
fulsome adjective

Detailed synonyms for fulsome adjective

Fulsome, unctuous, slick, smarmy, fawning significan que es tan patentemente extravagante u obsequioso que no puede ser aceptado como genuino o sincero.
  • Fulsome indica que algo que es esencialmente bueno ha sido llevado a un punto excesivo y ofensivo <introduced to the audience with fulsome praise>.
  • Unctuous indica la adopción hipócrita de una actitud seria, devota o espiritual <found the minister unctuous and irritating>.
  • Slick indica una manera de ser que es poco sincera, junto con una maña obvia de manipular a las personas para aprovecharse de ellas, sirviéndose a veces de la adulación como un instrumento <buying expensive cars meant dealing with the slickest salesmen>.
  • Smarmy connota una seriedad presumida o falsa <annoyed by his smarmy manner toward their boss>.
  • Fawning sugiere un intento de ganar la aprobación o la amistad mediante halagos <a sports star surrounded by fawning fans>.

Reverse translation for fulsome

excesivo  - excessive 
exagerado  - exaggerated, excessive, overblown 
efusivo  - effusive 
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